
Mini 3rd Street & Alvarado

Good Year Blimp

Full Bloom

Sunset on Highway 15


Get “From Behind the Lens”

The Book is a collection of photos taken over the years.  Since “Photos at Random,” which was supposed to be the first original photo book, that never got off the ground, recent updates to digital technology has made it somewhat possible to reinvent the project and give it new flavor.  “Photos at Random” held it a rough edge to it.  Photos taken as they were and uploaded without no extra editing or retouching to give that sort of raw appearance to them.  Though many of the photos received positive feedback, while others were held at low regard, it didn’t stop the process of trying to discover new ways to improve the craft of photography.  Thus creating “From Behind the Lens.”  Originally supposed to be a combination of photography and poetry, with the 3rd poetry installment about to break ground, it became necessary to leave the photo book as it is…a photo book.

The book depicts pictures taken around the city of Los Angeles, San Diego and Las Vegas.  There are pictures of flowers, trees and plants, and landscaping/architectual type photos.  It’s a unique opportunity to get my pictures out there and noticed.

Ordering Information:

“From Behind the Lens” is $35 per book, with over 100 photos.  Send check or money order payable to “Assistant Services & Associates” in the amount of $35 to:

Studio7 Photography
C/O Rene’ Rivers
Assistant Services & Associates
PO Box 191984
Los Angeles, CA 90019

In the memo field please write “Photo Book.” Please allow 4-6 weeks to receive.

The Hard Rock

Hollywood, CA

What I’m Working With

For a Friend, by Chris

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